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Information Architecture + UX

Information Architecture + UX Process



Before we can begin designing your ideal user experience, we need to understand what business goals are driving your project. This will help us set project goals and objectives, and determine what success looks like.

User Research

User research is an important tool that can help provide insights and data to support later decisions. We can work with you to determine what kind of user research is right for your needs and budget, but we believe that user research is an investment that can lead to a better performing site.

User Testing

The effectiveness of any experience can be gauged by how it fares with real users. We employ tools like Optimal Workshop and Lookback to carry out tests such as card sorting, first click testing, and task analysis. We also work closely with you to determine what kind of user testing would be most beneficial for your project.

Persona Creation + User Journeys

While a persona is a fictional representation of just one specific audience member for your digital experience, a user journey details how a representative user accomplishes a task, mapping out all key touchpoints along the way. By using these tools, we can gain insights about your audience and ensure that every decision we make is focused on your users.


This is the Information Architecture part of the story. A Sitemap or App Map shows how each page or screen fits into the user's experience, and how the user will navigate the experience to accomplish their desired tasks.

Wireframing + Prototyping

Wireframes are low-fidelity representations of screens or pages that show the flow and key interactions to guide the UI/visual designer. Prototypes take it one step further by adding important functionality to the mix. By doing this, designers can get a better sense of how the final product will come together and interact.

Documentation and Tech Specs

Our UX team collaborated with designers and developers to create hyper-detailed specifications that show how each interaction will work. By doing this, we can build the experience with efficiency and minimum fuss.

Why UX is a brand & business need?

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Questions? Answers.

Why are Digital Marketing services useful for my business?

Content marketing is an approach to marketing that focuses on creating, publishing, and distributing content to reach a target audience and drive profitable customer action. It can involve a variety of tactics such as blogging, email newsletters, social media campaigns, and webinars.

Content marketing has become increasingly popular in recent years as companies aim to provide helpful information to potential customers while showcasing their brand and its associated products or services.

Is is worth hiring a Digital Marketing Agency?

Content marketing is increasingly becoming necessary for companies to grow and engage their target audiences. Content can be distributed through various mediums, such as social media, SEO optimization, email campaigns, and other channels.

By creating valuable content that is relevant to customers and prospects, a company can establish thought leadership in the industry and generate a loyal fan base. Content marketing also helps in establishing brand recognition, increases website visibility and interactions with customers, as well as markets products or services more effectively.

How do I create a product with you?

Content marketing can provide a number of tangible benefits, helping to generate a positive ROI for businesses. Through targeted content, companies can reach a higher number of potential customers with greater frequency. This can lead to increased conversions, better website visibility, and higher brand recognition rates.

Additionally, content marketing can result in cost savings through SEO optimization, allowing businesses to increase their search engine rankings and reduce their spending on traditional forms of advertising.

What do I need to know before contacting you?

It is difficult to provide an exact answer to the question of content marketing costs as there are many factors that will influence what you pay such as the type and quantity of content being created, the level of experience and skills of content creators, and other resources required.

Generally speaking, however, an effective content marketing program requires a sizable investment on the part of a company. Before launching a content strategy, businesses should research costs associated with hiring professionals, software and tools necessary for successful execution.

How do you guarantee service quality?

It is difficult to provide an exact answer to the question of content marketing costs as there are many factors that will influence what you pay such as the type and quantity of content being created, the level of experience and skills of content creators, and other resources required.

Generally speaking, however, an effective content marketing program requires a sizable investment on the part of a company. Before launching a content strategy, businesses should research costs associated with hiring professionals, software and tools necessary for successful execution.

How much do you charge?

It is difficult to provide an exact answer to the question of content marketing costs as there are many factors that will influence what you pay such as the type and quantity of content being created, the level of experience and skills of content creators, and other resources required.

Generally speaking, however, an effective content marketing program requires a sizable investment on the part of a company. Before launching a content strategy, businesses should research costs associated with hiring professionals, software and tools necessary for successful execution.