Website Analysis

January 23, 2022
person in black pants and black shoes sitting on brown wooden chair

Writing a Website Analysis

A website analysis is a holistic report that gathers a website’s data, as well as from people who use the website, in order to find out how a website is performing compared to the purpose for which it was originally designed. The scope of the analysis will usually vary depending on the reasons it is needed, but the page designs, security, how easy it is to navigate as well as search engine listings are included in site analysis. Try not to use acronyms or technical terms that are too complex. While webmasters may know PHHP from XML, the company’s office manager or president may not.

Describe the website’s structure in the “Structure” section. Use a diagram, using the basic text boxes in order to represent all of the website’s major pages, with lines connecting them to represent links between the pages. Most websites are structured in diagrams with the home pages at the top, the major sub-pages beneath it and the third-tier pages beneath each of those.

Analyze the site’s design in the “Analysis” section. Include the website’s weaknesses and strengths. This is where most of the data will be documented. This information varies depending on the purposes of the analysis but includes information like broken links, data backup, security issues, poor usage of the metadata that affects the search engine results etc. Each area of the analysis needs to be contained within its own subsection.

Record your recommendations in the “Recommendations” section. In the last section of your website analysis, the reference information from other sections and include plans of action. If you plan to do all of the work yourself, the price estimates, as well as the time that will be required to perform all of the work, can be included in the recommendation section.

To know more about Website Analysis CLICK HERE!


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